Forum for the Humanities – FORhUM – was established in 2014 by the Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities with the intention to create an open space for discussion in the field of the humanities and human culture through interinstitutional and interdisciplinary cooperation at regional and transregional levels.

The principal purpose of the FORhUM is to explore the possibilities of humanization in a global perspective. The FORhUM therefore dedicates special attention to the following themes:

  • historical and contemporary dimensions of humanity and the humanities;
  • inter- and trans-culturality;
  • individual freedom and social justice, interconnection of nature and culture in the modern techno-scientific world;
  • preservation and strengthening of the principles of human rights.

The activities of the FORhUM in international collaboration primarily focus:

  • on the realization of joint research, culture and education projects;
  • on the stimulation of multilingualism in face of the threatening monolingualism;
  • on the organization of conferences regarding crucial problems of humanity today;
  • on the inclusion of junior researchers into the international scientific sphere;
  • on the publications on current topics within the humanities.

The website of the FORhUM enables the presentation and the promotion of realized projects and publications, offers and supports a discussion platform for a productive exchange amongst the members as well as between the participants and the public.

EN -Declaration

Declaration of the participants in the founding meeting of the Humanities Forum on 12th November, 2014 in Ljubljana.

DE -Deklaration

Deklaration der Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen des Gründungstreffens des Forums für Humanwissenschaften vom 12. 11. 2014 in Ljubljana.

IT -Dichiarazione

Dichiarazione finale dei partecipanti alla riunione inaugurale del Forum per gli Studi Umanistici, svoltasi il 12 novembre 2014 a Lubiana.

SL -Deklaracija

Deklaracija udeležencev ustanovnega srečanja Foruma za humanistiko, dne 12. novembra 2014 v Ljubljani.

Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities

Vodovodna cesta 101
1000 Ljubljana

+386 12444560
+386 12444587 (Andrej Božič)

Forum for the Humanities (FORhUM) operates under the auspices of Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities (INR; Ljubljana, Slovenia), the activities of which are financially supported by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS; Ljubljana, Slovenia) within the research program P6-0341, the research project J7-4631, and infrastructure program I0-0036.